When you purchase a VPS plan, you have the option of selecting Managed or Unmanaged VPS hosting services. In Managed VPS plans, the web host takes care of all the day-to-day management requirements of your VPS, leaving you with more time on your hands. However, these services come at a cost and also restrict the freedom of site owners to create a web server as per their liking. Hence, many website owners opt for Unmanaged VPS Hosting plans. Since in an unmanaged plan, you need to take care of the VPS Server yourself, there are some aspects that you must keep in mind. In this article, we will share five essential things to look out for when managing your web server.

It is not new for experienced users and developers to manage their VPS environments themselves. They love the flexibility of setting up the server as per their liking – any type of OS, software, etc. Also, since unmanaged plans are cheaper, it’s a win-win for those who are technically proficient in managing web servers. However, for new site owners who are trying unmanaged services for the first time, here are some tips that could help:

  1. Familiarization with the server environment

The concept of a VPS Server can be understood by researching and going through some articles and/or videos. However, when you are face to face with one, things can seem very different. Hence, before you start, it is important to spend some time familiarizing yourself with the architecture of the VPS Server. Take a tour (a guided tour if possible) and understand the different components of a VPS – the control panel, WHM, file management tools, software, etc.

  1. Dedicate a session to understanding the Control Panel

The control panel plays an important role in server administration. It allows you to control the system and access critical data. Using a control panel, you can restart or shut down your server, run an analysis of the memory usage, disk space, etc. Further, there are various logs that can help you understand the condition of your VPS at any time. Once you login to the control panel, you will find many options that might seem confusing. Hence, it is important that you get yourself comfortable with the interface and get to know all the features available to help you manage your VPS better.

  1. DNS Management

To run your website, you would need to connect your domain to the VPS. You can purchase a domain from a provider or transfer it to your VPS provider if you already have one. Next, you need to manage your domain(s) and set the name servers for your VPS to direct web traffic to your server. You can use the Manage DNS option to make any changes in the future too.

  1. Manage Software

You also need to keep track of all the software that you have installed on your VPS. This allows you to ensure that you uninstall any software that you don’t need any more and keep your server clutter-free. Ensure that you have the latest antivirus and antimalware software installed and keep all other software updated at all times.

  1. Backups are your best friends

Being new to managing a server environment means that errors are possible. Therefore, you must ensure that you take several copies of backups regularly. This will ensure that in case of an accident, you always have a working copy of your files and database with you.

Summing Up

Managing your own web server can seem difficult in the beginning, but it only gets easier. There is an ocean of resources online and developer communities and forums that are eager to help. Ensure that you utilize all these resources and evolve into an amazing system admin. Good Luck!

By analia